Importing from a 2015 to 2019 Macbook Pro

New Laptop - Set Up

Samantha Wong
2 min readMay 3, 2020
Much UnBoxing, Much Installation
  1. Install Command Line Package Utilities/Application Libraries
  • brew
  • pip
  • npm
  • wget

2. Install Text Editors

  • IntelliJ — (JetBrains Toolbox)
  • Sublime Text

3. Install Communication Applications

  • Slack (requires re-Sign In)
  • Telegram (requires re-Sign In)
  • Skype (requires re-Sign In)

4. Install Application Utilities

  • Postman
  • TablePlus
  • Docker
  • OpenVPN

5. Download/Clone Repositories

  • GitHub

I also had to re-generate my Git Signing Key (although I think you could try simply copying the original key, as well). I did this later, when I was required to make a signed commit.

6. (probably worth a separate post) Favourite Python Libraries

  • requests
  • numpy
  • docx2txt
  • opencv

7. Install Chinese Keyboard

Previously on the 2015, I had to install some third-party software called Sun Pinyin. Today, on the 2019, could just add Pinyin-Simplified from the Language list.

8. Install Productivity Tools

  • FlyCut
  • Magnet (Paid — another interesting story)

9. Applications on the 2015, and Have Yet to Move to the 2019/Needed to Use

  • GIMP
  • Virtual Studio Code
  • Wireshark (haha)
  • Zeplin (I actually have needed to use this —but I just use the web version for now)
  • OneDrive
  • Inkscape
  • Drop To GIF (for augmentation of Medium articles, of course)

Passwords That I Found I Had Forgotten

A. Apple ID

  • Needed in order to download Xcode Command Line Tools, which was required to download brew

B. Slack

C. Skype

D. Pivotal Tracker


git config — global “FIRST_NAME LASTNAME”

git config — global “


All in all, Items 1 through 5 could be done in a day, easy. Some procrastination happened from Item 7 onwards — they were more Quality-Of-Life hacks that I “experimented” doing without for a while.

The speed-bumps are usually password-related issues — especially your Apple ID. I don’t remember having much trouble retrieving my Apple ID this time; but I do recall once having to wait three days for an email (?).

I’ve never used Time Machine to do a transplant before — would that have been a different experience? One goal is to get up to speed as quickly as possible on a new computer. The second goal is to shed baggage from the last computer. This usually lasts for two weeks — before things falls into a familiar disorganised array of over-enthusiastic screenshots filling one’s desktop. Somehow, I take a lot of screenshots. Probably too many.

Post-Script: UnBoxing a New Mac

They have these arrow thingies that can help you peel open items.



Samantha Wong
Samantha Wong

Written by Samantha Wong

Software Engineer, Daughter, thot-Generator

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